First day back from break, you get a text from a friend saying, "Still downtown? Let's get dinner."
After reviewing a multitude of options, 2 train stops and a cool 2 block walk, you find yourself at 3 Greens; selected because you're Chicago born and bred, and since you've never tried Au Cheval, you're committing some time of treason, apparently.
Walking in, I found a simple menu (6 items + salad bar), and was still faced with massive decisions, lucky for me, Hannah was there. Finding out it was my first time there, she welcomed me with open arms, deep insights, and a kind smile. She talked me through burger thickness, portion sizes, and an appropriate beverage for such a momentous occasion.
She gave me a magic buzzer, and detailed instructions on how to recover my fest.
After just a few moments, the buzzer buzzed wildly, and I was on my way. I sat down with a single cheeseburger, with fries, and dug in. Not that I ever doubted Hannah for a second, but this was JUST what I needed. Good char, hot fries, and a cool cola to wash it all down. About 4 bites in, I see a questioning face peeking around the bend with a shakey thumbs up. Hannah had come around to check on me and my spoils. She got a smile, with two cheeks full of burger, and just as many thumbs up.
Between Hannah's hospitality, and the kitchen skills, I'll be back, and I think you should too. :-)