Make the Rounds in the Maple Mobile
To the maple mobile! That's what people will say once they've bid on a chance to tag along and play Robin to Tim Burton's Batman as he makes his maple syrup delivery rounds to some of Chicago's top restaurants in his 1949 farm truck, affectionately nicknamed Donna Sue. Burton will take part in a benefit soiree at Salvage One on Thursday, June 20, from 6:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m., with proceeds from the various auction items benefitting Rape Victim Advocates (RVA). Mixology maestro Adam Seger will be on hand slinging cocktails, and hors d'oeuvres will be in high supply. A dozen lucky attendees will get the opportunity to embark on a drink tour with Burton, featuring small bites aplenty and access to hot spots such as Little Goat's sprawling new roofdeck, the Ritz Carlton's rooftop bar The dec, Table Fifty Two's front patio, and the Hotel Lincoln's stunning rooftop bar, the J. Parker. To attend this week's benefit, visit
(Say hello to Donna Sue. Photo: Tim Burton)